Friday, February 4, 2011

Kylie's Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Cake

Kylie's 4th Birthday party is tomorrow and the theme is Strawberry Shortcake. I had fun making the cake today. Every time I make a cake I allow myself to get one tool. This cake I picked the ribbon cutter. I love the green stripes on the cake with the dots on it. Pictures of the party I'll post tomorrow.


  1. ADORABLE!!! Have a fabulous time tomorrow with a house full of happy little girls! Wish I could be there with you!!! - stupid car headlight :(

  2. That turned out great!! I wish I could of helped but I hope Kylie is feeling better.

  3. My littlest girl in my house will be nine soon. Maybe too old for a Strawberry Shortcake party but my birthday is coming up soon, so you never know!

    Strawberry Shortcake Party Supplies

  4. I love your blog also I know Janika. Check out my blog @
