Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Years of Greatness

In August Sam and I celebrate our anniversary. This year we are celebrating our 10th. We have had many adventures, from amazing to very scary.  Made many decisions good and bad.  After 10 years we love each other even more than ever. Okay enough of the mushy stuff. How did we celebrate this year? 
We left the kids with Sam's sister in Boise for 3 day and head to Las Vegas. I have never been there and I grew up in Reno. Sad I know. I had no idea how big it was, the strip. The first day we walked the strip and after that we took the bus from casino to casino. On Friday we had an amazing 5 star dinner and then saw Phanton of the Opera. It was amazing, the chandelier even came crashing down. Saturday we went to Mystère a Cirque du Soleil show. It was amazing to see the strength and flexibility that these people have.

During the day we walked the strip. I was in awe of all the stores, malls with in casinos. In one of the malls we saw Joe Montana. He was signing autographs. After growing up with the biggest 49er fan I know, there was no question. We had to get his autograph. Happy Birthday, Father's day, and Christmas, Dad.

We had a great time with shows, shopping, eating, walking, $20 in slots and a lot of great talks. 

New York New York

Not the best picture but the only on of the two of us, so it will do.

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