Saturday, October 30, 2010

Xanders 1st Birthday

Xander had his first birthday party today. He knew the day was all about him. Every time some one said happy birthday to him he would grin ear to ear. His cake was Toy Story theme, when he sees Buzz he laughs. This was my first cake with all fondant, I had a blast with it. I think this is one of my best cakes.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Portable Tea Party

Janika has a birthday party tomorrow and this is what she wanted to give her friend. She saw it on one of the blogs that i was looking at and thought it would be fun for her friend. The girls love to have tea partys, and now they want one. I'll have to do this for them for Christmas.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Peanut Butter Sprinkle Sandwiches

I was busy sewing up stairs and the girls thought it was time for lunch. They decided to make there own lunch. They had peanut butter sprinkle sandwiches and popcorn. What a great lunch.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dancing Basketball

Janika had her first basketball game yesterday. They all did a good job. Janika thought that she was suppose to guard all the time and that is what she did for the first half. I was glad I was recording it so i could get this video of her dancing.