Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Happy Easter!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter filled with jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, and most important Christ. We are always trying to have fun with holidays and making memories but at the same time remembering the importance of the special day. The girls are now a great age to understand the importance of Easter and the importance of the death and resurrection of Christ. We talk about Christ all the time and even more at Easter time and it seems like the Easter bunny became the main thing of Easter. However the girls really tried to remember Christ this year. They would find the different significance in the different Easter traditions. The boys on the other hand are definitely not there, it's about the candy filled eggs.
This year we enjoyed a few Easter egg hunts with friends and family. 
 By the time Easter came Kieron had the whole egg thing down. He would find an egg, shake it, open, and then eat all the candy before getting any other eggs.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nap Time

 I guess Kieron was ready for bed after making a mess in the playroom.

Friday, March 1, 2013


SUN!!! We had a great afternoon outside today playing in the front yard. Kylie started to learn to ride her bike without training wheels. She is doing very well and will be on two wheels real soon. Give her a week of practice and she'll have it down. Now if only we could have a week of nice weather. 
 Kieron road his bike with the help of his brother. Xander can be a great big brother when he wants to be.

One of the kids favorite things to do outside is color with chalk. They love to trace their bodies and make chalk people.

 We also went on a walk.