Monday, January 23, 2012

We Finalized!!!

Kieron is officially a Barker. We were able to finalize on Friday, Jan 20th. We were very lucky to have both parents signatures, making it a fast processes. It only took 40 days to finalize.

Friday, January 20, 2012


SNOW!!! We finally got snow and were very excited. Xander all day kept going to the window saying, "look Mommy SNOW" Once the he got out side he wasn't to sure about the snow. He kept yelling at the girls, "STOP IT". They all had fun with a snow ball fight. Even I couldn't help it and joined in the fight.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just a Few Pictures

There's a few pictures of the kids. 
My boys already for church.

Can you see the naughty in his eyes?

Crazy hair day at school.

 The pictures below show how much Kieron has grown in 1 month. I stole the idea from a friend.
Dec 12th
Jan 12th( 1 month)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4 Weeks Old

Kieron is 4 weeks old today and growing like crazy. 
9.8lbs and 22 ins
He's awake more and more everyday. When Kieron is awake he is very alert and loves listening to voices.