Monday, May 21, 2012


For family night we went to Skateland. I haven't been skating since high school, so about 11 years. Sam can't even remember the last time he had gone. Not sure what we were thinking taking 4 young kids skating. It's just like riding a bike, right. No not at all. Some how we made it through the night without falling. I'm sure we were very entertaining to watch. We each had a stroller with a boy in it and a girl hanging on. Janika did adventure out and went several times around by herself.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Yes we added another animal to our home.  Sam took us for a ride the other day to Wendell and surprised us with a puppy. This is Coco, a poodle terrier, and oh so little. She'll only get to be about the size of a cat. The girls love having a small dog, she's pocket size right now. They carry her around every where. Xander likes Coco, but loves his dog, Roxy. He knows that he can wrestle Roxy but not Coco.  Xander and Roxy are best buds. Coco fits right in, she's sweet and feisty.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 Here's a little update on Kieron. I would say on the family but Kieron is at a fun/crazy age of first. He's getting so big and doing big boy things. In the past month he has eaten his first food, started rolling over, blowing blubbles and loves to grab everything. 
Eating rice cereal for the first time.

He can't get enough, he always grabbing at the spoon.

Love this little guy

He does this ALL day.