Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kieron's Haircuts

Kieron had a very bad bald spot on the back of his head. His hair was looking pretty bad. After many arguments, ok discussions, I gave in and cut Kieron's hair. Sam has a long list of different hair styles that he want's to do on Kieron, Mr. T, Steps, Kid n Play, and the list goes on. I agreed to a mohawk /Mr T for one week. Then we cute it all the same length. I miss his curly hair, but his eyes really pop with his hair short.

Mohawk/Mr. T

Bye bye curls, sooo sad

Monday, April 9, 2012


Happy Easter, hope everyone had a great day.  The kids had great a day filled with Easter outfits, candy, books, and eggs. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break

 The kids had spring break last week, so we headed to Reno to see my family. We had a great time at the park with my brother Scott, sister-in-law Cassie and their 3 cute kids. The girls just had to show everyone that they could do the monkey bars. Kieron had his first ride in the swing. Xander had a blast trying to caught the geese. 

 While in Reno we also went to the Shine Circus. The kids were in awe the whole time. It was fun to see them so excited. Even Kieron was wide eyed.

Not the best picture, but here's Kieron with his Papa

After a few days in Reno we headed home to see more family. Sam's brother from AZ came to town along with their sister Alex from Boise. The kids love their Uncle Oel(Joel) and Uncle Dave, because they're just big kids.
Joel with his girls
Snuggling with Dave