Saturday, April 13, 2013

Crazy but Fun

We maybe a little crazy, but we sure have a lot of fun as a family. We have a lot of giggling and food flying at dinner time, but that's how we roll in the Barker house. At least once a week dinner time ends in a food fight and a lot of laughter. The kids love dress-up, especially with Daddy. Sam has a huge thing, maybe even a man crush for Superman. So when the kids came down stairs all dressed up, Sam had to put on his Superman pj's. 
The door bell rang during our dress-up fun and yes Superman and Spiderman answered the door.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Backyard Clean-up

We spent the day cleaning up the backyard from the winter. Ok the girls and I did most of the work. Kieron and Xander played and played. Kieron had fun in the garden throwing dirt and putting it in his hair. Xander made his own water slide and clean Kieron off. They had a blast playing out side all day.