I would love to say that our garden is in and growing wonderfully. We got a portion in the other day, tomatoes, bell pepper, and jalapenos. I think they're in a little shock and look horrible, hopefully they'll come out of it and produce lots of tomatoes and peppers for salsa. We still have the other big half of the garden to put in, but until then the kids are having a great time playing in the dirt.
4 bell peppers and 4 jalapenos |
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12 Roma tomatoes |
Kylie final got a chance to use her roller skates out side and it was hilarious. She hung on to my hand most of the time, but towards the end she was trying it by herself. Janika on the other hand had no desire to even try.
We have a fruit tree in the front yard and there must be a nest of lady bugs. The girls found 20+ lady bugs with their friend. They found all different sizes, even baby ones with no spots. They had so much fun, they let then all go so they could find them again tomorrow.