Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Janika's Kindergarten Graduation

On friday Janika had her kindergarten graduation, it was one of those bitter sweet days. I'm very proud of her and how much she has learn, she amazes me. One the other hand, it was sad, she's not my baby any more. She's now reading books and everything that she sees, like what I'm typing right now. The celebration was full of cute songs. Threw out the whole program the kids got to say what they wanted to be when they grew up. There was a lot of princess, cops, and even a zombie. Janika said that she wanted to be a 3rd grade teacher. There's a few of pictures of the special day.

Janika and Mrs. Roy
Janika and her good friend Kyla

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hair Cuts

Kylie got the normal cute Kylie hair cut. But as for Janika she cut about 7 inches off and got a very cute bob. Right after her hair cut she was grabbing her neck and was looking for her hair. It's going to take some time for her to get use to it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The picture says it all, the kid loves s'mores.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kylie's Preschool Graduation

Kylie graduated from her first year of preschool. She loved every thing about preschool. This year there was only 2 little girls in the class and it was great for Kylie. She made a great friend and had a lot of one on one time with her friend. Some days they just wanted to play the whole time. She learned a lot and is ready for next year. I can't believe that she only has 1 more year before kindergarten. She has grown so fast and is a very smart girl. Here's a few pictures of her graduation at a local park. It was very informal and perfect for the girls that just love to play. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gardening, Skating, and Lady Bug Hunting

I would love to say that our garden is in and growing wonderfully. We got a portion in the other day, tomatoes, bell pepper, and jalapenos. I think they're in a little shock and look horrible, hopefully they'll come out of it and produce lots of tomatoes and peppers for salsa. We still have the other big half of the garden to put in, but until then the kids are having a great time playing in the dirt.

4 bell peppers and 4 jalapenos
12 Roma tomatoes

Kylie final got a chance to use her roller skates out side and it was hilarious. She hung on to my hand most of the time, but towards the end she was trying it by herself. Janika on the other hand had no desire to even try. 

We have a fruit tree in the front yard and there must be a nest of lady bugs. The girls found 20+ lady bugs with their friend. They found all different sizes, even baby ones with no spots. They had so much fun, they let then all go so they could find them again tomorrow.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Xander and the Firetruck

Xander loves firetrucks, in fact he runs around the house says woo woo woo. Every car is a woo woo. Today he got to see his first real firetruck at the new hospital that's opening just down the road from us. Today they had a public open house with a tour. They also had some fun things for the kids to see. Xander was in awe of the firetruck, mouth open and everything. He loved it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Practicing T-ball with Janika

Janika is so much like me she loves sports and being active. We just signed Janika up for t-ball for the summer  season. We went shopping to find a glove and we found a pink one. The girly girl in her came out and she had to have it. She didn't even know how to put her hand in it properly or even the correct hand. At that point I was sooo glad that I wasn't going to be her coach. Then a couple of days ago she want to practice throwing the ball. She first tried to throw it with her glove hand. After laughing, I showed her to use the other hand. She was starting to get a hang of it and even caught a few balls. Then MEAN MOM, as Janika would say, threw the ball and it hit her in the chest. It then popped up and hit her in the mouth and then her nose. She ended up with a bloody lip and a nose bleeding from both sides. I felt like the worst mom ever. Lets just say she hasn't asked me to practice with her again. However she still trust Sam and will let him practice with her.